Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Though I do not watch much TV at all, I feel like CBS, where every show is some type of spin off of CSI. This is now my fourth "blog" that involves the title "New England Pastor." I was posting my thoughts on photography on my original blog, the plain old sounding "New England Pastor," but I decided to start another blog that can be purely devoted to my photography musings. I don't necessarily mean to compartmentalize my life, believing that each part of life should be tied in with every other part, but I want to spare those who come to my original blog for theological meat.

I don't now how much posting I will be doing on this site, but it is at least my intention to check in from time to time with my thoughts and reflections.

I will also say that I am not anywhere near a professional photographer. I do enjoy it a lot, though, and I feel like I am semi-decent at it. This is not to say that any of my pictures are spectacular. In fact, they are probably no different or better than any other pictures of New England you have seen. But I'm okay with that. In my photography, I am not striving to be all that original or creative. I just want to capture New England scenes (mostly, although I of course take pictures when I'm in other places - though that doesn't give me as much excitement) in a way that uplifts its beauty and makes people yearn for this wonderful place more. I also want to capture candid shots of my loved ones in a way that they can enjoy as well.

So, please return again very soon.

Until my next post, here is sneak-preview of what I enjoyed last week.

Peacham, Vermont
Groton, VermontWaits River, Vermont


Corey said...

I'm very excited about this new blog. I love to look at your pictures. I'll let you know which ones I want for Christmas (giggle, giggle)!

Melanie Brace said...

I'm liking this.

Morning's Minion said...

I don't know much about serious photography skills, but I know that your photos are "Vermont Life" worthy. Its not just knowing how to use a particular camera--its having an eye for beauty and how to "compose" a picture. Of course, any photo of the New England countryside makes me homesick!

this too will pass said...

lovely Autumn shots